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Hello Dear One,


I’m so glad you are here.


My name is Wahe Guru and I am a Celtic Shaman, healer and teacher.  I’ve been on a spiritual journey as long as I can remember and I have helped thousands of clients and students heal and transform their lives.  When I was a young child, I was deeply connected to the natural world and spent as much time as possible exploring the land.  My parents were very spiritual and I grew up with channeling, automatic writing, guidework, breathwork and sound healing. The 1970’s was the beginning of New Age spirituality and I was immersed in the ideology that became the foundation of my life.


I live in a cabin in the San Gabriel Mountains with my husband and two boys.  My main focus is to train shamans and healers and to provide healing experiences for my clients and community.  I practice and facilitate private and group experiences of Celtic Shamanism, Healing Breathwork and Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.  EARTH SCHOOL, my year-long training program incorporates all of the main teachings and is a training ground for people to become healers or to expand their offerings as healers/teachers.  We are here to heal ourselves, each other and the world.  


My passion is to facilitate ecstatic experiences that evoke a shift in consciousness and create life-long change.  My mission is to give people tools and practices that they can use to take back their power, restore balance, and realize their true purpose.  The work that I do is simple, profound and accessible to absolutely anyone, regardless of background or belief system.  The healing energy meets you exactly where you are and provides a clear, safe pathway from suffering to peace. 


My vision is for people to feel empowered to use natural modalities to shift imbalances and release blocked energy in their minds/bodies/hearts.  I believe that we all came here for a very special purpose and that each of our unique talents and gifts are needed to heal and evolve the consciousness on earth.  


We have been brought together because we are soul family.  I know that you found me for a reason.  I am honored to walk with you as you heal, grow and create a life that you love.


Bright Blessings,

Wahe Guru 

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